Practicality with a touch of whimsy.
AddyLou Creates was born out of the need to create in 2011. I love all things artsy, handmade, and hand-crafted. My shop came about after needing an outlet while being a stay-at-home mom of five rambunctious kiddos. At first, it was something that was done as a way to find an identity outside of being “mom.” Now it comes from a desire to create well-made items that not only serve a practical purpose, but are beautiful accessories for your child and home. AddyLou specializes in creating bibs, blankets, burp cloths, hooded towels and quilts.
Where does AddyLou come from? Creating a meaningful but memorable business name was a difficult endeavor. It was important to me that I used my own name but also paid homage to the women that helped shape me. My middle name is my maternal grandmother’s name, Adelaide and my paternal grandmother’s name is LuluBelle. Julia Adelaide=Addy | LuluBelle=Lou

Ruth is the lady behind all that is AddyLou Creates.
She grew up just outside of Valparaiso, Indiana on her family’s seed corn farm. Every summer was spent either working on the farm detasseling corn (9-year detasseling survivor!!!), working for a local daylily farm during high school or maintaining the grounds at an arboretum and growing plants at a greenhouse throughout college. All of these jobs taught her discipline and endurance and reinforced that fun can be had while working hard. After graduating from Purdue University with a degree in Landscape Design and Horticulture, She became a landscape designer for a wonderful landscaping company. A job she loved!
As life progressed, she left the workforce and entered the adventures of parenthood. Her most favorite job yet is being mom to her five kiddos. AddyLou was created in 2011 to have a creative outlet. It was meant to fund Ruth’s impulsive sewing and crafting desires. It has turned into so much more! She has enjoyed seeing people use the products, meeting other makers during shows and watching her little business evolve into something she never thought it would. When she’s not sewing up a storm creating new product, she is outside gardening with her husband of 15 years, tending to chickens, baking or enjoying the chaos of the mom life.